This is your plan B. 
You want consistent five figure months.
Your launch-plan B, cause it works.
The five-figure months, hustle-free feminine approach to launching.

I know your story. Let me guess…

  • You're almost over it! You’ve been an entrepreneur for at least two years, and are working "hard" at creating consistent sales.

  • You've seen the ads telling you not to launch, not to use social media and not to use ads - WHILE using all of it. 

  • You've seen women laying on the beach, sharing how horrible launching is and how you don't have to do it, while they enroll you into their "funnel"

  • You’ve invested with other coaches, courses and conferences - you know the value of 

  • You’re doing some “work”— going LIVE every day, posting about what you do but still cannot convert sales.

  • You may be upside down in your business, meaning you’ve invested far more than you’ve earned - and you're eager to get into five (5) figure months.

  • You may feel like you're all over the place and need consistent guidance on what to do next

  • You’re trying to DUCK-TAPE a profitable business together, so you have all of these bits and pieces but your business is still not popping the way you know it can.
Meet Sherri, from Law enforcement to Leading Financial Industry Coach
Sherri's 1st Launch Results (below)
Sherri's is still producing results from her launches.

Imagine having ALL the answers you need to sell your products and services.

Inside our membership, you'll have the education, accountability, expert and peer support, coaching and transformation in one space.

What if it only took you a few weeks to do what you've been "trying" to do for months or even years...

I know how it feels to spin your wheels online with so many marketing messages at your fingertips.  When I started my coaching business in 2011, I knew I needed to launch a program and make money, but I had no idea what to do.

I watched tons of free webinars and bought everything I could find, hoping that every coach’s program would be what I needed.

I followed the script—figuring out my customer avatar, what I wanted to sell and my lead magnet.

But no one taught me how to pull all it together - this was the frustrating part! 

I was all over the place and getting some results but not the results I WAS PLANNING for! 

I was tired, frustrated and secretly feeling like a failure.

But I knew I had to make this work. Plan A didn't work so I had not choice but to go to plan B...

So, I did what most women do when it seems like there are no other options...

I taught myself 
then mastered the strategy and systems necessary to create consistent action aligned with my revenue goals for my business. We'll teach you the exact process we used with modern day innovation to support your launch process within the membership.This is where the work comes in, which is why it's called, Launch Domination Method (LDM).

This is the balance. This is the "work" needed to actualize.

Inside Launch Domination Method (LDM)
It's our LAUNCH course inside of Build & Launch University + access to over 50 courses.
The Foundation

First, we focus on what you need to lay the groundwork your next big launch. That starts with you and in the inner work. As you begin to shift from hustler to CEO, we’ll get into the mindset work and daily habits you need to elevate to this next level of business.

Launch + Business Planning

Planning is essential when you have epic money goals and big dreams.

You'll be provided with tools needed to make this process smoother and support during the planning process.

Your launch tool kit will be a life saver!

Launch Automation

We’ll cover all things sales funnels, cycles and campaigns. You will get hands-on with setting up the technical engine to run your business, building webinars and sequences and social media campaigns to engage the right audience and prime them for your offer.

Brand Stories & Messaging

You'll learn now to tie in stories inside your content. Inside LDM, you'll create or refine an offer your audience wants and needs.

You’ll know what makes an offer relevant to your ideal client and what stories authentically connect.

Networks, JV Partnerships

Bring your expertise to new platforms and audiences through powerful partnerships.

We teach you how to build and leverage profitable strategic relationships that help your business expand and increase your launch’s reach.

Media + Personality

Be seen and get paid. Bringing your brand and story into the media spotlight is a an opportunity to increase your visibility and build your brand. Expanding your visibility with traditional and new media, is a valuable expert strategy. 


One of the biggest (and most costly) mistakes that entrepreneurs make is not legally protecting their businesses. Your intellectual property is the most valuable asset you have, so we’ll teach you what to do with it, and how to package and sell what you know to increase your income. 

Black Friday Launch

No watching and wishing from the sidelines this year. Finally you will be ready to take full advantage of the millions of dollars in consumer spending that happens during the holiday season. You will create an offer, plan your launch and get it out in the world.

Life Management as a CEO

Now that you know how to run a successful company, you also need to know how to run a successful life. In this segment, we cover strategies and habits for staying physically, mentally and emotionally healthy as you reach new levels of success.

Includes: weekly LIVE group coaching with my team!
Meet Trechelle
As of last night (1/28/23)... I've hit ALL of my number goals for my master class... thanks Aprille Franks ❤️❤️❤️

This is the first time EVER! Been in business for almost 9 years. I've changed businesses, I've changed structures, but the biggest flex is I've changed ME 😭😭😭 JUST THANKS... Now time to grow it and keep going! 🙏
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Dejuana says...
Sonaya says...
Aprille Franks

Aprille Franks is a master business strategist goal is to close the gender pay gap by helping women make more money through entrepreneurship. She coaches women leaders, subject matter experts and speakers looking to be empowered economically to create a life with more options, to be a contribution to her family and society.

Through Domination Nation, Aprille is teaching her clients how to build their own online niche communities and launch their products, services and events.

"I officially made my $25,000!!!" 
"Stop waiting to focus on YOUR business"
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"I have a $32,280 launch.
(hands shaking as I type)"
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"I sold 3 Coaching Packages....!"

Yes you will be scared. Yes it will stretch you but this has been beyond worth it. It's been a game-changer when it comes to my business and my mindset. I now have a solid plan and method on how I (a) show up in my tribe and (b) launch new products and services. It's a plug and play, repeatable system that I can now implement time and time again. I feel in control and can finally work ON PURPOSE versus just halfway throwing stuff out there to see what sticks. 

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Dejuana Golden
Resume Branding Specialist
Special Needs Parenting 
When I first started 25k Masterclass, I knew I wanted to Box my brilliance into a Signature Program, but as a multifaceted woman, I was all over the place. However, watching Aprille launch her own program and hearing her repeatedly say sell what you know, something clicked. Now I have TWO Signature Programs, an Academy, and an active FB group. I'm grateful for clarity and a process that now helps me monetize my brilliance!
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Toni Moore
The Small Biz Lawyer
Most Common Questions
How do I know Build & Launch is for me?
If you have not successfully launched a program, product or event, and are ready implement, this is for you. 
When does the Launch classes start?
Launch Domination Method is the LAUNCH track within Build & Launch University, all of the content is ON-DEMAND and available as soon as you enroll and get your login creds.
How long do I have access to the content?
As long as you are a paying member, you'll have access to all the trainings and the weekly LIVE sessions.
Will I launch a product, program or event during the course?
That's the goal, as long as you do the work, you'll launch! LDM is not only training, but walking you TO and THROUGH your actual LIVE launch with group accountability. 
Is my investment refundable?
No, but if after 48 hours you feel it's not for you, we'll refund you 100% of your tuition. You must email within the stated time frame.
My question isn't here, now what?

Contact our support team:

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